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The Handbook for Prospective Music Majors is an extension of my 2015 doctoral dissertation that places focus on the gap of knowledge between high school students that wish to pursue music as a profession and college/university music majors. This gap is a result of what both high school music educators and collegiate instructors think the students already know (scales keys, rhythms, etc.). This is a fair assumption, because high school music students use this information on a daily basic. However, research has shown that while high school music students may know how to play/sing scales, this does not mean that they know how to create/recognize written scales or use that knowledge to create other types of scales, intervals, or chords. This unfortunately can lead to new music majors being placed in rudimentary music skills classes, which may put them behind in their college course scheduling.


The purpose of this book is to introduce students to the information they need to successfully prepare to become a music major. This is done so in the following manner:


Music Theory

  • Provide an understanding on the construction of key signatures, scales, intervals, chords beyond simple performance skills (playing/singing).

  • Provide an understanding on the creation of meter and rhythms beyond simple performance skills (playing/singing).

  • Provide an understanding of these basic music theory concepts as needed to pass a basic collegiate diagnostic placement exam.


Music History

  • Provide a framework for understanding the basic outline of music history from Antiquity through the modern eras.

  • Provide brief examples of a few representative composers and pieces from each era/genre.

  • Provide non-musical historical perspective for each era for an understanding of how music history aligns with history, itself.


Music Auditions

  • Provide lists of top collegiate audition repertoire for each instrument and vocal part.


Types of Music Degrees

  • Provide explanations of the various types of undergraduate music degree programs.


Basic Musicianship

  • Provide lists and explanations of the non-negotiable skills necessary to successfully enter a college/university music program.

Available in both print and digital formats from Amazon Kindle Direct.

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